
Mitch Gruber

Summer Updates

Dear Friends,
On the eve of my 7th meeting as a City Council member, I want to give an update on some of my work that is starting to bear fruit.

Conversion Therapy Ban
I am happy to announce that I am bringing forward my first piece of legislation; Mayor Warren and I cosponsored a ban on “conversion therapy.” This damaging pseudo-science is based on the false and ugly premise that there is something wrong with being LGBTQ. There is no room for conversion therapy or homophobia in Rochester, and I am proud to have worked with Mayor Warren to bring this legislation forward on Tuesday night for vote by my colleagues on Council.

To view the press conference video of my remarks about the conversion therapy ban, please visit this post.  The photo below shows some of the crowd gathered for the press conference.
Photo courtesy of Thomas Warfield.  Video courtesy of Scotty Ginett.

Cobbs Hill Village
Another piece of legislation coming to a vote on Tuesday revolves around the redevelopment of Cobbs Hill Village, a senior affordable housing facility that was established in 1957 because of a shortage of senior affordable housing.

I was not satisfied with the proposed redevelopment when I started my term on council.  Over the last few months, I have worked tirelessly to ensure that the proposal included no market-rate housing, and a broad range of senior, affordable housing.

After a great deal of consideration and research, I have decided to support the project for the following reasons:

  • Our community needs more quality housing designed for seniors.
  • No one will be displaced. All current tenants are guaranteed housing and their rent costs will be frozen for life.
  • The proposal creates a net surplus in “Very Low Income” units for the first 15 years.
  • Even after the 15 years, there will still be a significant net increase of “Below Low Income” units.
  • Each unit is reserved for a specific income level at below the Average Median Income (AMI), and all tenants must income-qualify for an apartment.

If you are interested in reading my full comments on Cobbs Hill Village, please continue to this post.  I promise to continue working on the issue of affordable housing in Rochester, and look forward to providing exciting updates in the near future.

Town Hall Meetings
In addition, I am working on some exciting urban agriculture projects and some related legislation.  I would love to invite you to hear about all of our efforts to continue moving toward a healthier Rochester at two upcoming “Town Hall Meetings.”  This is also an excellent opportunity for Willie, Malik, and I, as your three new councilmembers to hear from you.  Please mark your calendar, invite your neighbors, and join us!

How to contact us:

When you have questions or ideas, please reach out to us.

[email protected],
[email protected]

office phone:
City Council main phone:

City Hall, Room 301, 30 Church Street, Rochester, NY 14614

To stay up to date on our work, please like and follow my Facebook page, and sign up below to receive occasional email newsletters.

Thanks again for your support. Please stay invested in local politics and continue to participate. Beth and I look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon!

With appreciation,


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